CRS Rice Bowls

This year we invite our households to work and pray to care for the hungry throughout the world! During Lent our community will participate in CRS Rice Bowls, a faith-in-action program that invites us to reflect on the challenges of global hunger– and our responsibility to respond to the needs of our global human family.

First Week of Lent – Hunger in Our World

When Jesus fed the 5,000, he said, “Give them some food yourselves.” Reflect on the challenge of global hunger. How can you contribute to support the hungry in your community?

Please consider these suggestions in your family’s Lenten plan: 

*Use your CRS Rice Bowl and Lenten Calendar daily to guide your prayer, fasting and almsgiving. 

*Visit to watch videos of the people and communities you support through your Lenten gifts to CRS Rice Bowl. 

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