On the Road To Bethlehem

 A Sunday Prayer Time for Parents and Infants, Toddlers, and Pre-Schoolers 

A Sunday Prayer Time for Parents and Infants, Toddlers, and Pre-Schoolers 

How can I go to Church with a child who might be noisy! Is there a way to teach my child about Church, while not disturbing others? Are there ways for my child to learn about God? Yes! We invite our young families with young children to come and experience a short prayer, a time for crafts and community, and play time for your child. 

I hope everyone has been receiving our emails with some suggestions to do with your child/children. Our next Road to Bethlehem was scheduled for April 26, unfortunately that will not be taking place. We are hoping to get in touch with you soon to set up an online get together, we will be in touch as soon as we set a date and time. In the meantime keep looking for our emails.


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