Parish – Corona Virus

Parish Life During the Corona Virus & Spiritual Resources

Dear Friends, 

As we continue to reopen our parish church, it is important that we understand some of the following important directives so that we can support each other and make sure that we are safe in gathering. 

1. Do not come to church if you are feeling ill, we will continue to have mass on our website and on our Facebook page. 

2. Please bring a face mask to be worn when you are out of the car receiving communion at our masses in the parking lot. When we return to the church, face masks must always be worn. 

3. When you go to mass in the church please wash your hands at the hand sanitizing station as you enter and as you exit. 

4. If you presently are in need of assistance when you come to mass because you use a walker or cane, we would suggest that you do not come to mass until we are back in the church at the end of June. We will be prepared to serve you when you return. I ask you to contact George Zamary at 203-377-0928 x9 and discuss the assistance that you will need when you return to church. 

5. Please make your reservations before coming to mass either on the parish website or by using our call reservation number 203-450-6898. We will notify you by calling post to let you know the day and the time when we are taking reservations. 

6. I ask your patience and understanding as we go through these next week’s so that we might unite our community in the Body of Christ.

Returning to Weekday Masses in Church

We will reopen our church for daily mass beginning on Monday, July 20. The morning mass will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9:00 am. The church will open at 8:45. Seating will be limited to the front half of the church. There will be no mass on Wednesday morning. For those who will attend morning mass you will be expected to wear a face mask and practice social distancing! You will need to sign a register with your name and phone number to record your attendance. You will also be expected to use the spray and wipes that will be provided to clean the area you used for morning mass. The cleaning of the church is important to the rest of the parish so that the church will be prepared for prayer time and the scheduling of funerals. I thank you for your cooperation.

Parish Office is closed for social distancing. We will be accepting calls Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Email and Calling Post Communication – If you are not receiving our Calling Post Calls, we may not have your correct number or you have blocked robo-calls. Please call our parish office with a new contact number or email address! At a time like this our communication is important!

Mass Book Intentions – For masses that are already scheduled, Msgr. Ryan will be saying mass with no congregation on the requested day. The Mass Book continues to have Masses available. (During the week and on weekends) In our parish, you have always been faithful in having Masses said for those that are ill or those who have died. Please remember that Mass intentions can also be for various intentions such as finding a cure to the coronavirus, for all the first responders, for my doctor or for the intentions of those that are out of work. Masses have been offered every day in our church since March 16 . Think about what intentions you need to share in your life! Please call the office Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm to request your mass. Thank you

Correspondence with the Office – We have installed a lock box outside the garages near the rectory sidewalk. Please feel free to place offertory envelopes and other correspondences to office in this lock box between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. We have placed an additional Parish Office box outside the garage by the sidewalk to the parish office. You can stop by and pick up our parish bulletin. You can keep up with the information of the parish.

Daily Prayer of Encouragement – Msgr. Ryan is currently calling members of the parish daily. These words of encouragement come from the daily scripture readings, and your intentions will be remembered in his daily Mass. How to join? Please call Msgr. at 203-377-0928 x12. He’ll be glad to add your name and number to his list

As of March 12th, all non-essential meetings and events have been cancelled due to the Corona Virus.  We will continue our First Communion prep online, and will be prepared for the children to make communion when possible. Our visitation of the sick and shut-in will become a digital model using various forms of communication to keep our homebound close.

We also ask you to check this website ( for information. We also have a YouTube Channel – Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church Stratford, CT and a Facebook page – Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Stratford CT 

Please follow the health directives of the Town and State. Wash your hands! Pray for me and I’ll pray for you! May our faith by stronger than our fear!

Msgr. Ryan

TV and Radio Masses

Office of Radio and Television, Archdiocese of Hartford The daily Mass is broadcast live Monday through Friday and on tape delay on Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m:
WCCT-TV (Channel 20)
WCCT, cable channel 7 or 11
WCTX, channel 59 (also known as MyTV9 WCTX)
Cable channel 9
Online at the Office of Radio and Television
Catholic TV Daily Mass is broadcast live Monday through Saturday at 9:30am and Sunday at 10:00am, 4:00pm, and 7:00pm on their website.
EWTN Daily Mass is broadcast live Monday through Saturday at 8:00am and 12:00pm and on Sunday at 8:00am, 12:00pm, and 7:00pm. A livestream can be found on their website.
Sirius XM Sunday Mass broadcast at 10:00am, 11:00am, and 1:00pm on Channel 129.
EWTN Radio Daily Mass broadcast at 8:00am and Sunday at 8:00am on Channel 130.
Salt and Light Sunday Mass broadcast at 6:30am, 9:30am, and 11:00am. A full schedule is available on their website.

Please pray the following prayer at Communion Time

An Act of Spiritual Communion 

Those who are unable to attend Mass or receive Holy Communion may make an Act of Spiritual Communion. The Act, which can be offered for all those have died or are suffering from the Coronavirus, can be a simple prayer, such as “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen”

Parish Daily to Our Lady of Prompt Succor

V: Our Lady of Prompt Succor, pray for us.
R: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

O Mary, Mother of God, who amid the tribulations of the world, watch over us and over the Church of your Son, be to us and to the Church, truly Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Make haste to help us all in our necessities, that in this fleeting life you may be our succor, and obtain for us (here ask the particular favor you desire). As you once saved our beloved city from ravaging flames and our country from an invading army, have pity on us and obtain for us protection from hurricanes and all other disasters. Be to us truly Our Lady of Prompt Succor now and especially at the hour of our death.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Hasten to Help Us. 

The Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center is offering a Messages of Hope Series in an effort to keep communities connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They offer offer the following homilies, reflections and musical selections to provide support and hope during these difficult times. Click here to view the series.C

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