Funeral Guidelines

At this time, during the pandemic, there are State mandates and Diocese of Bridgeport guidelines that we need to follow. Please be aware of the following guidelines for Our Lady Grace Parish.

• People should not attend if they are feeling ill. When coming from another state please refer to the CT state guidelines in reference to quarantine mandates. **Church is locked until the funeral director arrives.**

  • Face masks must be worn.
  • A list of names and phone numbers of those attending must be provided by family for the purpose of contact tracing required by law.

• Social distancing will be practiced following our church seating plan
• Please follow social distancing instruction from the priest during communion.
• Everyone will enter and leave by front door of the church.

  • At this time the funeral mass is limited to 65 guests
  • Families can consider one family member to read for mass readings

• Families can designate one family member for words of remembrance

Memorial Table
A small table will be provided for family to place a memorial picture of your loved one with flowers.

Memorial Collage
A collage can be provided and placed at the entry door to church.
All materials brought in by family must be removed at end of mass (pictures, collage, flowers etc.)

Funeral Guidelines

On September 15, 2019 Bishop Caggiano issued “Norms for the Celebration of Funerals” in the Diocese. Our Bereavement Ministry will continue to provide:

1.When contacted by the Funeral Home, we will contact the family of the deceased person. Our Bereavement Team will meet with the family to plan the scriptural readings and the liturgical music for the Funeral Mass. We will always encourage the participation of the family in the Mass.

2.Our Lady of Grace Parish will allow, the family to share the “Words of Remembrance” according to Diocesan Guidelines. The Bereavement Team will work with each family to prepare their words to be shared after the Communion Prayer at Mass.

3.The requested donation for the parish will be $200.00, and at the present time the honorarium for the organist/cantor is $200.00.

4.We invite our families to make donations in the name of their loved one through our Parish Memorial Book.

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