Prayer Walk


Don’t walk behind me because I may not want to lead. Don’t walk ahead of me I may not want to follow. Walk aside me and be my friend!

Prayer is a powerful tool and I am sure many of you can witness to that, and it is such an important time for all of us to turn to Jesus in prayer for ourselves and everyone. Faith and prayer will help so many of us get through this most difficult time. Join our Prayer Walk! You can email . with your name and email to get on the list to receive emails to help pray for special intentions.

Also, if you have a request for a special prayer intention for you or a family member email the intention to 

Prayer is a powerful and beautiful tool that we have been blessed with. Dear Jesus heal us from fear at this time of uncertainty and fear!

We have one addition to our Prayer list, please pray for Baby Addison who has been in NICU and will be there for many weeks. She was less than 2 lbs. Also at this time lets keep in our prayers all the students, teachers and administrators that are beginning a new school year that everyone stays healthy and safe. Pray for OLG Faith Formation classes that will be starting in October that the students and catechists will be able to gather both in classroom and with distance learning to continue learning on their faith journey. Pray for their parents that are trying to make decisions that are best to keep their children and their families safe.                                        

Continue to pray for Diane, a parishioner who had surgery a few weeks back for a speedy recovery and her mom who is homebound.

Pray for Mark who had reversal stomach surgery. Pray for the parishioner who just had a knee replacement.

Pray for Bev from our Faith Formation family that has had some health issues.

Keep Jerry Ambrose and Susan Ambrose Beatty in your prayers.

We have been asked to pray for a parishioners niece, Carolyn who passed away from a heart attack at age 55.

A gentlemen that is being treated at Danbury Hospital for bone cancer. Please continue to keep Bob in your prayers so he continues to get stronger each day.

Let’s continue to pray for all those still suffering from Covid 19 and those that are caring for those with Covid 19.

Pray that everyone sees the need to keep themselves safe. That everyone makes good choices for themselves and those around them.

Our leaders of our state and country give then the wisdom to make the right decisions and continue to have a true concern for the well-being for the people they were chosen to serve.

Please pray for our pastor, Msgr Ryan while he continues to lead us in our spiritual guidance during this difficult time, for the parish staff , for all our volunteers and our parishioners to stay healthy and in place of our anxiety turn to Jesus for guidance and strength.

We continue to get through this by all of us praying together for a positive outcome. We pray for the help and guidance as we return to Eucharistic Celebration, the Mass at Our Lady of Grace. We will be creating our  Prayer Walk Garden at OLG in October to unite us in prayer. Check the bulletin or website for further info. Please continue to send me any special intentions you may have, the next Prayer Walk will go out at the end of the month.

 God Bless,


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