Mission Statement:
Our Lady of Grace Church follows in the steps of the Mother of the Savior as disciples bringing Jesus’s love to all by proclaiming and living the Gospel as we build a community that serves others, respects human dignity, promotes justice, increases spirituality, seeks to provide for the vulnerable and poor, cares for all aspects of the environment, and welcomes all into its community.
Vision Statement:
The vision of Our Lady of Grace Church bases its future on several important values.
• We will build relatonships by always speaking the truth, respecting the opinions and roles of all parishioners, valuing each person, and always maintaining Christian charity in all of our actions.
• We will build spiritual growth by seeking to increase the understanding of our Catholic faith and expand our spiritual growth by participating in and supporting charitable and spiritual activities, in addition to attending Mass.
• We will fulfill our roles as stewards of the faith by becoming involved in church activities and committing our time, talent and treasures.
• We will be open and inviting by extending ourselves to all by visibly sharing in our parish life and the community of our town, especially through the development of ministries created to care for the ill, the homebound, the hospitalized, those suffering doubt and fear, and other outreach programs.
• As disciples of the Lord, we will live Jesus’ statement to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” by welcoming and spiritually nourishing our parishioners and newcomers as well as nourishing those in need in our community through donations and help where needed, using the Spiritual and Corporal works of Mercy .
• We will work in collaboration with the Catholic Parishes of Stratford by including them in our programming spiritually, socially and academically in order to grow our Catholic community into a vibrant and visible family of cooperation and caring.
• We will work with the collaboration to create programs that will allow us to grow in our faith and provide for the needs of the church community and those of the Stratford community.