Parish Registration Form Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last Mailing Name*(i.e. Mr. and Mrs. John Doe)Address*City*State*ZIP*Home Phone*Cell PhoneEmail Address* Language Spoken at HomeDo you wish to enroll in Electronic Banking Donations (EFT Giving Program)?YesNoDo you wish to recieve envelopes from the parish?YesNoHave you ever been registered at any other parish?NoYesIf so, which one(s)?How many total members will be registered for church*123456 Individual Member Information #1Name First Last Maiden Name (if applicable)RelationshipHead of HouseSpouseChildGrandparentRelativeOtherIf "other" please specifyMale / Female*MaleFemaleEmail* Cell PhoneReligion*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* Occupation*Place or Work/School?Baptized*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Sacrament of Reconciliation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?First Eucharist*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Confirmation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Marital Status*SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedIf Married, what Church?Individual Member Information #2Name First Last Maiden Name (if applicable)RelationshipHead of HouseSpouseChildGrandparentRelativeOtherIf "other" please specifyMale / Female*MaleFemaleEmail* Cell PhoneReligion*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* Occupation*Place or Work/School?Baptized*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Sacrament of Reconciliation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?First Eucharist*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Confirmation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Marital Status*SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedIf Married, what Church?Individual Member Information #3Name First Last Maiden Name (if applicable)RelationshipHead of HouseSpouseChildGrandparentRelativeOtherIf "other" please specifyMale / Female*MaleFemaleEmail* Cell PhoneReligion*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* Occupation*Place or Work/School?Baptized*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Sacrament of Reconciliation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?First Eucharist*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Confirmation*NoYesIf Confirmed, what Church?Marital Status*SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedIf Married, what Church?Individual Member Information #4Name First Last Maiden Name (if applicable)RelationshipHead of HouseSpouseChildGrandparentRelativeOtherIf "other" please specifyMale / Female*MaleFemaleEmail* Cell PhoneReligion*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* Occupation*Place or Work/School?Baptized*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Sacrament of Reconciliation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?First Eucharist*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Confirmation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Marital Status*SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedIf Married, what Church?Individual Member Information #5Name First Last Maiden Name (if applicable)RelationshipHead of HouseSpouseChildGrandparentRelativeOtherIf "other" please specifyMale / Female*MaleFemaleEmail* Cell PhoneReligion*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* Occupation*Place or Work/School?Baptized*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Sacrament of Reconciliation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?First Eucharist*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Confirmation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Marital Status*SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedIf Married, what Church?Individual Member Information #6Name First Last Maiden Name (if applicable)RelationshipHead of HouseSpouseChildGrandparentRelativeOtherIf "other" please specifyMale / Female*MaleFemaleEmail* Cell PhoneReligion*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* Occupation*Place or Work/School?Baptized*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Sacrament of Reconciliation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?First Eucharist*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Confirmation*NoYesIf "Yes" at what church?Marital Status*SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedIf Married, what Church?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.