The Road from Bethlehem is a program designed for parents with young children. You might be asking yourself some of these questions. How can I go to Church with a child who might be noisy! Is there a way to teach my child about Church, while not disturbing others? Are there ways for my child to learn about God? Yes! We invite our young families with young children to come and experience a short prayer, a time for crafts and community, and play time for your child.
The program will be held once a month on a Sunday. We will begin in the Church with a short prayer with music, followed by a gathering in Madonna Hall for playtime and crafts. Our program will be from 9:00 – 10:30 am. Coffee and juice will be served, please feel free to bring a snack for your child. The next session will be on Sunday, February 9, 2020.
For more information please call Melissa Lembo at 203-556-0611 or Denise Bartelson at 203-375-6133.