February 9, 2025

Dear Friends,

The Parish Council at its meeting on January 25th adopted the following “Mission Statement” for Our Lady of Grace Parish. May we work together to build the Body of Christ!

Vision Statement

Our Lady of Grace Church follows in the steps of the Mother of the Savior as disciples bringing Jesus’s love to all by proclaiming and living the Gospel as we build a community that serves others, respects human dignity, promotes justice, increases spirituality, seeks to provide for the vulnerable and poor, cares for all aspects of the environment, and welcomes all into its community.

We would like to thank Patti Schickler, Nancy Rosa, and Patty Gentile for their work on this project.


Msgr. Ryan

FEBRUARY 2, 2025

Dear Friends,

We are reaching out to our parishioners to share an invitation to those who might be seeking membership in the Catholic Church. Adults that might not be Baptized or may wish to join us after being a member of another Christian Church. A meeting for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults will be held in March.

For further information please contact Msgr. Ryan at msgrryan@olgstratford.com.


Msgr. Ryan

January 26, 2025

Dear Friends,

Bishop Caggiano has requested the parishes to have a collection for the California Fire Victims. We will have envelopes available for you on the weekend of January 25/26. We thank you for your generosity!


Msgr. Ryan

January 19, 2025

Dear Friends,

In recent weeks, I have received several questions about present day religious education. I will discuss with you the three levels of formation. Level one is the family. The witnessing of faith in daily life is the foundation of religious education. Parents introduce their children to prayer, values, and living in God’s goodness. The Diocese has created a number of excellent on-line programs. I will offer you more information in future bulletins.

Level two is the parish Faith Formation Ministry. We gather the children, we witness the faith in prayer, learning and service. We try to build a community of children and their love for Jesus.

Level three is the immediate preparation before the children receive their sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion and Confirmation. These programs prepare our children to receive the sacrament and continue to build their journey in Faith.


Msgr. Ryan

January 12, 2025

Dear Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support of the 2024 Annual Bishop’s Appeal. Prayerfully you assisted the parish in reaching its goal. The parish donated $ 68,455.00, which was 100.97% of goal. 200 households came together to financially support the many ministries of the Diocese. May God Bless you for your generosity.


Msgr. Ryan