June 5, 2022

Dear Friends,

Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Today is a reminder to each of us of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit which were given to us at Confirmation. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence, Wonder and Awe. God needs you to witness the gifts you have been given! Let the Holy Spirit guide your life!


Msgr. Ryan

May 29, 2022

Dear Friends, 

One of the challenges, I presented to you last week, was to work to make our parish census complete. Every parish has seen many changes to the members of our parishes during the pandemic. The changes come because of death, people moving into assisted living facilities, new people moving into our neighborhood. Why do we need a strong census? The census gives us a quick picture of individual and families and the people the parish serve. The census gives us data so we can communicate with you. Our callingpost list came from the census. The census allows us to plan by asking pastoral question such as, “how many children will be in Religious Education program next year.” 

I need your help. By using the coupon on the last page of the bulletin or the link at the top of the 2nd column on this page, if you are new to the parish, please complete the coupon and begin the process of parish registration! Has your address, phone number or email address changed, complete the coupon to update your census form. By working with us to update our parish census we will continue to build “Our Little Church”.

Thank You for Your Prayers – As I return from sick leave, I share good news with you. The vision in my left eye has greatly improved and the doctor is very pleased with the eye and the healing process. I thank you for your prayers. 

Thank You – A special note of thanks to our parish volunteers for their ministry of service to our parish. They worked with our parish staff so that the parish served our parishioners while I was on “sick leave”. 

Thank you, 

Msgr. Ryan 


May 22, 2022

Dear Friends, 

Before we come to summer vacation, I need to share with you some challenges we are facing in the parish. The pandemic has changed our lives and we continue to see many unexpected events. 

Our parish census has changed over the past couple of years. We have lost more than 120 parishioners to death since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of our older parishioners have moved to live with family, and some have entered assisted living care. What changes have occurred in your life, please notify the parish office if your address has changed or you have a new phone number. 

Like your personal expenses, our parish expenses continue to go up! You do not want to see our parish gas bill! As the bills expand our Sunday collection continues to lag behind. During the summer months I hope that we can address a plan to improve our ability to balance the budget. 

Finally the greatest challenge is mass attendance. We can sit about 265 people at weekend mass. The number attending weekend mass is about 250 people total. If you are new to the parish may we invite you to use the coupon in the parish bulletin to request a parish census form or use the link at the top of the second column of this website page.

I will share more information on the challenges facing our parish as we work to build the Body of Christ. 


Msgr. Ryan 


May 15, 2022

Dear Friends, 

Thank you for your prayers! My surgery went well! My eyesight is improving each day. By the time you read this note, I will have had my second post-opt visit with the surgeon. I am looking forward to more good news! God is Good! I will be on medical leave through May 19th. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you for your support and understanding!

On May 15th, I celebrate my 46th Anniversary of Ordination, I will offer my Mass today for your intentions. 


Msgr. Ryan 

May 8, 2022

Dear Friends, 

I would like to take this opportunity to ask God’s blessings on the Mom’s of our parish. This day causes us to remember the caring moments of our lives. Mothers were the teachers of our lives and the healers when we had fallen. They like the Blessed Mother carried many challenging moments in their hearts but they always cared for us with a smile and a hug! 

May we take a moment to say thank you to our mothers, whether living or deceased. May we place them in the loving hands of Jesus!

Medical Leave – I will be on medical leave from May 4th through May 19th. I will be undergoing Cornea eye surgery on May 5th. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you for your support and understanding!

Happy Mother’s Day! 

Msgr. Ryan